Yes I know it's not October but between October and November I love them both! I'm just getting into the mood of typing it! I see it's been a month and a busy one at that. I only have a few moments before my lovey get done with his shower so I'll catch you up on life. It made me laugh when I saw that last month at this time we were waiting to hear about Nate's disability and yes...we're still waiting! Last week I called and they said it should be a day or two. Let's see how long it REALLY is. We both have good attitudes about it so I think we're OK with the delay. We know God will work it out so whatever happens happens! Aiva has started school and loves it. She's already learned about the letters B, T & N. She has share day every week and I can't remember what she shared for the letter B but for T she shared her gymnastics trophy and for N she shared her nail polish. Just for the occasion today we had to do her nails. She really does enjoy it! She was the helper on Monday which means that she helped the teacher all day with attendance, putting an apple on the day of the week, and all the other stuff that a "helper" does. Today they had a fire drill and Nate and I ran to see how she was going to react. We watched from afar as she walked out with the rest of her class in a single file line with her hands covering her ears. Such a typical Aiva gesture. She's got sensitive ears but she did great! It makes for a funny store when she tells it. She just got done with gymnastics last weekend which she had a great time. They had a "Gymnastics Olympics" day and they all got trophy's. Aiva's event was the balance beam and she excelled like a star. We were so proud of her. She wants to be a little grown up it's not funny. Just tonight she made the comment after putting cheese on Nate's spaghetti that she thinks she's just about there. We both laughed and rolled our eyes but I know it won't be too long. Ana is doing well too...talking up a storm. Today was her first day of Stories in the Park and she had a great time. Nate took her and they both had an "apple" of a day. That was the theme for this time. They got little apple puppets with a cut out for your finger to make it look like a worm was in the apple. It was cute and Ana loved it! She wants to be a big girl like Aiva and does everything that Aiva does...I mean everything! I try not to laugh but it's hard. She's becoming her own person and I'm not sure if she's going to be more of problem that what Aiva was or what but I'm crossing my fingers that she grows out of what she already has become! I can thank Aiva for that! I'm kidding of course but she is a little spit fire! I love her little hair cut that I just gave her...makes her look more ornery than what she already is! As for me...I just started full time and I love it. Keeps me plenty busy but, oh well! I'm getting use to Lorien being gone and getting into my own routine but it changes daily so we'll see what happens the rest of this week. I'm enjoying it though! I've been in this small group on Monday mornings and I love it! It's extremely early in teh morning but it's worth it. I'll talk about it in my next post...I promise it won't be another month! OK...Nate's done so I have to quite for now. Hope all is well with those in blog world. Good night...sleep tight!