Habakkuk 3:18
"...yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior."
I can hardly believe that I'm writing this at 3:12AM but I'm up and really feeling awful. What else is there to do but blog. Instead of being down in the dumps I'm choosing joy. To help me get to sleep I'm going to list somethings that I'm joyful about for the last 23 days - this is when things started to go bottoms up with all of us being sick. Here we go:
1) Safe travels from Nashville
2) We got a storage place before we had to give up the truck
3) Aiva being able to at least go to school for a week
4) That we have doctors who can diagnose our problems
5) That there are medicines that we can take for our medical issues
6) Step Into Africa is HERE! We unload tomorrow!
7) So far we have 37% of the tickets already reserved for SIA - close to 1500 people already!
8) We have over 200 volunteers for SIA - 95%
9) That all of our appliances are working
10) There's no problems with the cars
11) I have my job and Nate has his disability - INCOME is GOOD!
12) Despite being sick, the girls have been in a great mood.
13) They both have been taking their medicine without much drama
14) Ana has been potty training for three days and has only had one accident
15) That I met a new good friend
16) My new bible study
17) Getting together with old friends in October
18) Nate has been the one who has been the least sick - he stays home with the girls
19) I've got great co-workers
20) That I got a few free things at Target last night
21) Nate starts basketball next week
22) We're planning Christmas :)
23) The girls birthdays are coming up
24) I can finally go to sleep now