Saturday, August 4, 2007


Well, to make a long story short...we're headed to Nashville. Do I have peace about it...not entirely. I'm trying to stay positive but I know that this opportunity will be the best for us now and in the future. I just have to hope and pray that God hears my crys for the things that I need for my girls. It's going to be so hard to leave everything that we know and most of all my family. My mom isn't doing well with the decision. If she were more positive about it I know that I would feel better. I just hate that she's acting the way that she is. The heat doesn't make things any better. Our house isn't air conditioned so needless to say everyone is agitated, me being the most. With the heat and boxes everywhere I feel like I'm going to lose it at any minute. It also doesn't help that Aiva is on the verge of me classifying her as ADD. Sometimes she's way over the top and I'm about ready to look on-line for medication for her. Of course I'm kidding but she's driving me crazy. Maybe it's a good thing that I'll be working full time. I feel like she's getting hard to handle. I don't want to wish this precious little time away but I'm excited for her to be in school so she can get rid of some of this energy! SSOO, the next few weeks are going to be insane. We going to Nashville for a brief vacation (if that's what you want to call it!) and then we head back to make the final move. I just hope that we'll be able to have our insanity once this is all over. I just know that I'm going to be an emotional basket case. Lord help me now...God knows I need it! OK, enough complaining. I'll end this now but maybe the next time I write I'll either be in the midst of packing or just need a venting session...or maybe both. God help us all!!

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