Friday, November 13, 2009


It's almost that time of year again and I can hardly believe that it's already here! Nate and I were out this week and we drove by some houses who already had Christmas lights up and on! Can you believe that? It's not even the middle of November. I guess some people get in the Christmas mood sooner than others. I'm not one to get the Christmas stuff out quite yet but I sure do love thinking about my wish list! It's been fun surfing through the websites and catalogues in search of the best deal. We did cheat and got our Christmas present early though. Nate and I (I guess more me than Nate) have wanted a Wii for a long time. A few weeks back I caved and ran out to get one. It was the funnest purchase I've made in awhile! We have truly loved playing for the past two weeks and the best part is that it gets the girls up and moving. So, aside from the Wii (and I can't believe I'm still putting out a wish list) here are the other things on my list for this Christmas:

#1 is a painting of the "Singing Butler". I have eyed this painting for the past two years and I can't stop thinking that this painting so much portraits the past few years for Nate and I. I saw it at JoAnn's a few months back and told myself that when I got paid that I was going to go and get it. Unfortunately when I went to get it, it was gone. Hopefully Santa Nate might surprise me!

#2 "Always Kiss Me Goodnight" wall applique. When we lived on Green Cook, I painted and stenciled words everywhere. It was so much fun and adds a lot of character to a room. I've wanted to paint above our bed for a long time "Always Kiss Me Goodnight" but when I found this applique I thought that this would perfect and would save me the work of painting.

#3 A book rack where I can put all my magazines and books. Since we've moved to a smaller place I've run out of room on my bookshelves and actually Aiva has taken up a few with all of her books so I wold love to have a cute little book rack for to store and possibly decorate later.

#4 A CoolPix Camera would certainly come in handy since I can just throw it in my purse and not have it be as bulky as our other camera. Our current camera is small but it's fat. With this slimmer design it would be perfect. Since we got a Wii this is very low on the list but my birthday is coming up in January!!

#5 A few spools of some fun yarn. I've been doing some crocheting and I love making scarves. It is so much fun to see your final creation and see it start out as a spool and end as something that you can actually wear and use! I get so much joy from going over to JoAnn's and seeing and feeling all the spools of yarn! It's it so fun!
So what's on your wish list this year?? Do you have big dreams or little dreams?? Ask Santa...he just might surprise ya!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

What a fun list, Meggan! I continually have a wish list in my head, not just at Christmas! : )

I hope you get at least one thing off your list from Santa Nate! : )

I am hoping for a sewing machine! We'll see what happens...

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