Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Thanks...been thinking a lot about that word here recently :) With Thanksgiving and all I guess it's bound to happen to a few select people! Thanks to those who look out for my blog updates. Sorry I've been disappointing you all recently. I've been in a slump (cousin of a funk) since we've gotten back from Chicago. I think it's the change in weather or maybe it was because I was sick up until a few days ago. At any rate, there is a ton I've got to catch up on, one being our trip which was amazing and I'm so thankful for.

Back to thanks. My mom asked me a few days before Thanksgiving about what my thoughts were on a gift that she could give to the grandchildren to help them remember during the year to be more thankful. She wanted to do something and I really thought that they would shrug it off and not follow thru so I put on the thinking cap. I told my mom that she needed to get each grandchild their own set of note cards and let them write one thank you card to someone that stuck out that month as doing something for/to/out of the normal, etc. She chewed on it for a few hours and decided to go for it. In the back of my mind I was hoping she got me a set too but no such luck. We got a little sign to hang in the house that talks about being thankful. I'm thankful to my mom for being so willing to have us over for Thanksgiving, cooking and preparing for all of us to be over. She even went out of her way to get us all special things so we can remember to be thankful.

Again, it got me thinking about how we are so busy and we forget to say thank you or express gratitude to others. We have every form of technology to help us to remember things. Help us to make sure that projects are done on time and get to the right people but we often time forget to do something as simple as saying thank you. I was so convicted after thinking about it that I think I'm resolving to send more thank you's and go out of my way to express my gratitude to others.

The first person I need to do this to is Nate. He has been amazing these last few weeks of my slumpness. He's gone to the store for me, cooked dinner (PB & J is fine for me), and never complained. He is an amazing husband that always encourages and supports me and I am so thankful for.

Thanks...what do you think about that word? Is there someone that you need to thank? Don't wait...do it now!

Monday, November 29, 2010


Last year I talked about what we did for Advent. To see what I wrote about last year, you can go here. This year were going to do something very similar. It went so well that I thought that we should keep to what we did. The girls had a blast and Nate and I loved doing fun stuff to make the holidays seems enjoyable and not so rushed. Here's the list for this year:

1 - Holiday pictures at Portrait Innovations

2 - Make snowflakes and paper chains and decorate with glitter glue

3 - Make homemade hot chocolate and watch Polar Express

4 – Sunbury United Methodist Breakfast with Santa 9-11AM, Christmas in the Square

5 - Make Christmas cookies

6 - Watch Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer on ABC Family

7 - Red/Greed Day - Eat and wear red and/or green the whole day!

8 - Go See Santa at Easton and visit the Easton Train

9 - Grab a cheese pizza & watch Frosty's Winter Wonderland

10 - Watch the Grinch who Stole Christmas and eat Green Eggs and Ham for Dinner

11 - Christmas at the Hanby House from 1-4PM

12 - WCC Staff Christmas Party

13- Alum Creek Fantasy of Lights

14 - Wii Game Night

15 - Make a gingerbread house

16 - Go to the lights at the zoo

17 - Night in Bethlehem

18 - Roast chestnuts and almonds over the fire and have hot apple cider

19 - Read Christmas books and drink hot cocoa and sleep under the Christmas Tree

20 - Deliver treats to shut-ins at Worthington Christian Village

21 - Make puppy chow and watch Hachi: A dog's tale

22 - Wii Game Night

23 – Make a fun Christmas treat (Rice Crispy Treats)

24 - Read the Christmas Story and watch Nativity

25 - Have a birthday party for Jesus!

So what are you going to do with your family this year? Any new traditions? I'd love to hear. Here's to you and yours this holiday season. May it be merry and bright!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


In my last post I talked about doing my one of a kind curtain :) Last night I finally had the chance to finish it and put it up. I was so proud of myself. After I was done with that I did a few more other projects but I'll get to that at a later date. Here's the finished product:
The other thing that I did was take out some lighthouse pictures that were in a frame in our living room. I was on a lighthouse kick a few years ago and I'm still trying to convert over to something else. I replaced them with some pictures that Nate's sister took this summer. I loved how it turned out!

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