Wednesday, January 26, 2011


A couple weeks ago our church had the privilege of having the Watoto Children's choir sing at out church. I had been looking forward to it for weeks but on the night they were supposed to sing we got lazy. Nate was into a football game and I basically didn't want to leave the house. We go go go all week long that when we do get the opportunity to stay home it's a treat. Later that night I was really feeling convicted about not going. I really wanted to kick myself for not making more of an attempt to go. It didn't make it any better to come into work at the church to hear all the positive comments from the choir. They raised a ton of money and the church had a packed crowd. From what everyone said, it was awesome. Again, I felt more conviction. Yikes...I couldn't get away from it! The next day, Tuesday, the Watoto kids were coming back to the church to hang out for a few hours before going to their next stop. Around noonish, John, our worship minister, came and got all the staff and told everyone to go down and pray with them before leaving. Again, I felt the pangs of conviction! I asked myself for a brief moment if I should really go down since I hadn't bothered to see these precious children in action. I asked my co-worker if she was going and she said she wasn't sure and before I knew what happened, I stood up and said, "Let's go!" We went down stairs and with the rest of the staff and meet up with some of the Watoto adults. When they saw us they didn't really look all that interested in praying or being interrupted. John asked if we could all go into the Arena, where the kids were to pray and they all stood up and lead the way. When we got to the Arena there were only a few kids there. The staff kind of stood around dispersed and then before we knew it the kids started filing through the door. They all had matching shoes, belts, jeans, shirts, everything! Without a second though, they walked over to the staff and stood next to us grabbing our hands and circling up. The two on either side of me, looked up and smiled and told me their name. I could hardly believe it! Once the circle was complete John started the prayer and once it was done the two kids on either side of me circled my waste and gave me a tight squeeze. It was the most precious thing. I didn't even know these kids - didn't take the time to come see them in concert and here they were hugging me and showing me love. Not only that but once the two beside me let go, all the kids left in the room started going around hugging us and thanking us. I was greeted by the smiles and love of all these African children who have lost the parents and many loved ones to disease, AIDS, or a half dozen other things yet they still showed me love. ME! Reminds me of Christ. We don't take the time some days, we find ourselves busy, yet God is right there welcoming us with open arms, smile from cheek to cheek. Once the kids were done hugging, I was left with this feeling of awe. There were no was definitely a surreal experience. If Watoto is ever in your area, please take the time to see these kids. I know I will!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice post.. Good Blog.. Congratulations

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