Thursday, September 9, 2010


Tonight was the first night of MOPS at our church for the year. It was a great night :) Last year I wasn't able to make it as much just because it was such a busy time but this year I'm going to make more of a priority to be there. I think I need to for my sanity. Between work, getting the house together, homework, etc I need to take some time out for me. Even though it's right after work it's still nice to have time with other moms who know what you're going through! Here's to a good year and a good group! Yeah!

I am so excited for this week to be over. I've been feeling pretty awful and my voice doesn't last for long so working has been a little bit of a challenge. I manage but I sure am tired at the end of the day. Looking forward to the weekend. It can't be much better :) Big game and my brother in laws are coming in town! We don't get to see Matt & Steve very much so we're looking to seeing the twins. Here's to a great weekend!

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